Welcome to State Affairs
The mission of the Office of State Affairs is to create and maintain a strong foundation of engagement in our home state of New Jersey in support of Princeton University’s mission to advance learning through scholarship, research, and teaching of unsurpassed quality and its commitment to serve the nation and the world.

To serve this mission, the State Affairs team:
Advocates before state legislators and executive branch officials on issues that affect the University’s mission.
Educates state leaders about the scholarship, research, teaching and operational excellence at Princeton University and our positive impact on the state.
Collaborates with state stakeholders in higher education, research, and innovation to forge connections between state thought leaders and the University’s administration, researchers, faculty, and students.
Capital Connector
Read about the latest research, discovery, and innovation at Princeton University.
Princeton University's Role in New Jersey
Princeton University is committed to ensuring the success of the greater Princeton community and the State of New Jersey. Princeton contributes significantly to the overall economic growth of New Jersey, the quality of life in the region, and provides opportunities for research and discussion on policy issues facing the State and the region.